Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fruit Nachos with Cheesecake Fluff- the perfect summertime dessert!

Hi! Have I got a tale to tell today.

Ok, well it's not really a tale, it's more like a recipe. We just got back from a vacation to the sunny and warm state of Florida and it was delightful. Never have I been more excited to see summer arrive, now that I am home.

Since we just returned, I've been busy with unpacking, doing a mountain of laundry, and getting the house back into order, which is not fun nor exciting at all. However, I had a last minute guest pop over for dinner last night (we love that kind of company- so spontaneous and fun!) but I was a little unprepared for company. I had gone to the store for a few essentials but dinner last night was pretty much a 'look in the pantry to see what you have then throw it in a pot' kind of a meal.

I had about 10 minutes notice that company was coming, so I quickly looked in my fridge, pantry to see what I could add to my meal to make it a little more memorable.

After taking inventory of what we had, I was thrilled to discover that I had everything needed for this delicious dessert I had just had in FL! (Ok, I really didn't have everything. I had my darling husband run to the store for 2 items that were missing. He's such a good guy, and he loved these so much that he was happy to quickly fetch me the needed items.)

It only took a few minutes to make, and is super-duper delicious. Be sure to make plenty as they will go quickly!

Fruit Nachos

For the chips:
1 pkg. flour tortillas
1/4-1/2 C melted salted butter
Cinnamon/sugar ( I make my own with  1 tsp. cinnamon and 1/4 C sugar)

For the fruit:
1 can pineapple (drained) crushed works best but you can chop up any other cuts you have
1 large apple, diced small
1 container strawberries, diced small

For the Fluff:
1 container Cool Whip
1 pkg. "cheesecake" flavored pudding mix
1/2 C. greek yogurt

Heat oven to 400.
Take the tortillas and butter each side. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar, then cut into triangles, the way you would slice a pizza. (I use kitchen scissors to do this, but a pizza cutter works well also), then spread out in  a single layer on a cookie sheet.

Bake for 5-7 minutes, take them out, turn each chip with tongs, and pop them back in for 5-7 min. You want them brown and crispy but not burned. The sugar will caramelize a bit and make them look darker- that's a good thing! Now take them out and set them aside. These can be made in advance, and kept at room temp. for a day.

For the fruit, chop everything and mix it together.

For the fluff, add the Cool Whip, pudding and yogurt and mix with a hand or a stand mixer until fluffy and mixed well.

Serve with the chips on the bottom, fruit on those, then the fluff on top. You can also leave each separate and guests can build their own.

Enjoy! And don't forget to let me know when you try them!

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